Article I: Name
The name of this association is the International Molyneux Family Association also
known as the IMFA.
Article II: Aims and Objectives
SECTION 1. To maintain an association of those interested in the origin,
history, and development of the various branches of the de Moulin, Molineux, Mulnix,
and other various spellings used by the family.
SECTION 2. To promote the research and study of the Molyneux family history.
SECTION 3. To promote the conservation of documents, monuments, and other
material of special significance to the Molyneux family.
SECTION 4. To circulate a regular newsletter on a periodic basis, dealing
with matters of topical interest and current genealogical and biographical research
into the Molyneux family.
SECTION 5. To hold meetings and family reunions as often as can be arranged
at places of special significance to the Molyneux family.
Article III: Membership
SECTION 1. Eligibility for Regular Membership.
- A. Any person bearing the name Molyneux, or spelling variants thereof;
- B. Any person who can trace descent from any fore bearer named Molyneux or any spelling
variants thereof;
- C. The spouse or issue of any person described in items A & B above.
Section 2. Eligibility for Contributing Membership.
- A. Any person who does not qualify in the foregoing, but desires membership in the
Association through donations of money, research, or other contributions.
Article IV: Officers
SECTION 1. The officers of the association shall include President, Vice
President, second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and a Family Representative
from each country having members.
SECTION 2. Duties of the officers:
- A. The President shall conduct all meetings, in the absence of the president the
Vice President or second Vice President, or Family Representative of said country
shall conduct all meetings in that order.
- B. The Vice President or second Vice President shall be Chairman of all committees.
- C. The Secretary shall keep a record of the procedures of the Association and its
board. He/she shall also conduct all correspondence.
- D. The Treasurer shall keep a record of the Association's finances. He/she shall
present a report at annual meetings.
- E. The Editor shall compile the quarterly newsletter and furnish proofs to each
Family Representative.
- F. The Family Representatives will reprint and post the newsletters as near to the
appointed time as possible.
- G. The Executive board shall consist of the above named officers, and family representatives.
They are responsible for transacting the business between meetings. Major decisions
are to be brought before the entire organization for vote.
Article V: Elections
Section 1. The above named officers shall be elected at an annual meeting
to hold office for two years. Nominations shall be made by a nominating committee
appointed by the President at least sixty days prior to the annual meeting. Nominations
from the floor will be accepted.
Section 2. The President shall serve on the Executive board for one year
immediately following the completion of his/her term of office.
Section 3. The privilege of holding office shall be limited to those who
are regular members.
Section 4. The Family Representatives and Editor shall be appointed by the
Executive board for an unspecified term.
Article VI: Meetings of the Association
Section 1. An annual meeting shall be held at a time and place to be determined
by the board. The Association members shall be notified at least sixty days prior
to the meeting.
Section 2. Other meetings or reunions may be held during the year at the
discretion of the board.
Section 3. Those members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business.
Article VII: Amendments
Section 1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the regular
members who are present at any meeting of the Association.
Section 2. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the membership with
notice for the meeting.
Article VIII: Rules of Order
Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all cases
to which they are applicable.